
Tentative (This page is subject to change.  We are working on putting presentations in time slots.  For now, see the Presentations Page
Download Draft Program (PDF Format)

Thursday,  June 25th –  Ramada Inn and Conference Facility (Layout)

7:00—8:30 Registration, Refreshments & Setup Exhibits (Pre-function Area)
8:30—8:45 W e l c o m e (Grand Ballroom): Robert Hughes, EPCAMR
Silent Auction Starts
Track 1 (Grand Ballroom) Track 2 (Forum Room)
8:45—9:30 Ryan A. McCampbell, Bloomsburg University, “A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Acid Mine Drainage Recovery and its Implications for Potential Business Opportunities” Bob Hedin, Hedin Environmental, “Two Passive Treatment Systems that are Regional Community Assets”
9:30—10:15 Kelsey Biondo, Dave Svab, Samantha Schafer, EPCAMR, “Processing Underground Mine Maps” Emilie Rzotkiewicz, Allegheny Land Trust, “Wingfield Pines AMD: Connecting to the Community and Beyond”
10:15—10:45 Break & Refreshments (Pre-function Area)
10:45—11:30 Tom Clark, Susquehanna River Basin Commission, “Susquehanna River Mine Drainage Data Portal – Phase II Improvements and Phase III Ideas” Kitty Vagley, Pittsburgh Botanic Garden, “Reclamation at the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden”
11:30—12:15 Eric Null, Conemaugh Valley Conservancy, “Incorporating Data Logger and Biological Monitoring to Diagnose Stream Pollutants and Aid in Reclamation Efforts” Gary Merritt, Northern Star Generation LLC,  “Big Yellow Taxi?…You don’t know what you’ve got ‘till it’s gone”
12:15 Boxed Lunch (pickup in Pre-Function Area) &
“AMR Film Festival”- an alternate to outings (12:30 – 4:30 Forum Room) 
Golf Outing Sustainability Tour
12:30—5:00 The Mountain View Country Club offers some of the best golfing in Central PA.  Transportation is “on your own” to the course, located just 4 miles from the Ramada Conf. Ctr.   Read more at Extra Activities page. Transportation (bus) provided by conference and will leave promptly from the front of the Ramada Conf. Ctr.   Read more at Extra Activities page.
6:00—6:30 Free Time-Networking & Cash Bar Opens (Outdoor Pavilion*)
6:30—8:00 Buffet Dinner (Outdoor Pavilion*)
 * weather permitting

Friday, June 26th – Ramada Inn and Conference Facility (Layout)

7:00—8:30 Registration & Refreshments for Commuters (Pre-function Area)
Free breakfast at PJ Harrigan’s for those who stayed Thursday Night at the Ramada
8:30—8:45 W e l c o m e (Grand Ballroom): Andy McAllister, WPCAMR
8:45—9:30 KEYNOTE ADDRESS: John Stefanko, Deputy Secretary, Office of Abandoned Mine Operations, PA DEP
Track 1 (Chairman’s Room) Track 2 (Forum Room) Track 3 (Grand Ballroom)
9:30—10:15 Michelle Dunn, Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, “Great American Cleanup of PA, International Coastal Cleanup of PA, Litter Free School Zone and Camera Loan Program” Bernie Hoffnar and Dave Mankameyer, “PA AML/AMD Reclamation History: A Grassroots Effort” Andrew Heath, Renew Growing Greener Coalition, “Finding the Green”
10:15—10:45 Break (Pre-function Area)
10:45—11:30 Matt Kierstead, Milestone Heritage Consulting, “A Mine is a Terrible Thing to Waste: Cultural Resources and Vermont’s Elizabeth Mine Superfund Cleanup.” Mike Korb, PA DEP, “Mine Reclamation and Monarch Butterfly Habitat” Beverly Braverman, Mountain Watershed Association and Bill Reichert, Schuylkill Watershed Association, “Preserving the Future of Our Watersheds”
11:30—12:15 Joe Schueck, Agri Drain Manufacturers, “Flow Distribution Box” Nora Sullivan, Ohio University Voinovich School, “Water Quality Monitoring – There’s an App for That” John Curley, et al., PA DEP, “Emergency Projects to Extinguish Coal Refuse Bank Fires in Northeast Pennsylvania”
12:15—1:30 Lunch, Mayfly Award & Speaker: Eric Cavazza, PA DEP and Ryan Ellis, IMCC “Preparing for SMCRA Reauthorization in 2021” (Atrium)
Silent Auction Ends
Track 1 (Chairman’s Room) Track 2 (Forum Room)
1:30—2:15 Missy Reckner, Kiski-Conemaugh Stream Team, “Building Capacity to Complete Restoration Work” Russ Stutzman, “Drones: Environmental Monitoring and the Federal Rules for Their Use”
2:15—3:00 Brad Shultz, OSMRE “Effective Aerobic Wetland Design for Metals Polishing in Mine Water Treatment” Robert Hughes and Mike Hewitt, EPCAMR, “3D Modeling of Eastern Pennsylvania Anthracite Mine Pools”
3:00—3:30 Break (Pre-function Area)
3:30—4:15 Cliff Denholm, Stream Restoration Incorporated, “Passive Treatment of Acidic, High-Metal, Discharges” Terry Schmidt, Skelly & Loy, “Big Run Restoration: A Success Story”
4:15—5:00 Joe Pizarchik, OSMRE, “OSMRE Perspective” (GRAND BALLROOM)
Hand in your name tag for Door Prizes – Must be Present to Win!
5:00—5:30 End of Conference & Take Down Exhibits


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