Register Now, Less than a Week Left!

Registration Deadline is June 15th, 2015.  Registrations after the deadline will be considered “walk-ins” and the fee will be $100. NEW THIS YEAR: “Walk ins” (aka. attendees that do not register through this page before the registration deadline) will not be turned away, but will be charged $100 regardless of…

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Request for Presentations!

With a theme of “Reclaiming Our Communities”, the 2015 Pennsylvania Abandoned Mine Reclamation (AMR) Conference is currently accepting abstracts for consideration. We are looking for presentations that highlight the diverse and unique partnerships that have made Pennsylvania so successful at cleaning up the abandoned mine legacy of water and land…

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Planning in Progress!

The AMR Conference Planning Committee is busily planning for the next conference and are happy to announce that the 2015 Pennsylvania Conference on Abandoned Mine Reclamation will be held June 25-26 at the Ramada Inn and Conference Center in State College, PA.  The theme is “Reclaiming Our Communities.” Please stay tuned for…

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